Photographers thoughts on wedding vows
I love wedding photography because I love getting to be present on one of the most important days in a persons life. I also absolutely hate how corny and contrived that sounds… but you know what, it’s true! I’m in it for the hard stuff, the deep moments, the tears and the hugs and the laughter and the nerves and the complicated family relationships. Not because I revel in the swirl activity that can sometimes be wedding day, but because I love the humanity of it all. I love it that on wedding day behind all of the beautiful decorations, the dresses and tuxedos and the fancy dinner and signature cocktails we are all just people trying to express how much we love each other. The expression of love and commitment that is shared during the wedding vows is the most important part of this very important day.
As someone who is blessed to be a destination wedding photographer capturing wedding moments around the world as well as a Portland Oregon wedding photographer I can say that it doesn’t matter where the wedding is taking place the raw emotions will always be there.
Wedding vows are quite possibly the most important words that are spoken on any wedding day. These promises that two people through their wedding vows, when they decide to share a life together are some of the most moving things I’ve ever heard. I hear couples talk about the things they have overcome together in the past and the things they vow to do right in the future. When I hear them speaking, what I hear sounds so much like soul searching and looking within to find an answer to what the commitment means to them.
Speaking your truth in front of your closest family and friends is one of the most powerful and meaningful things we can do as people. The people who you choose to surround yourself with when you recite your vows are the people you will rely on in the future to support you in keeping them. An understanding of the connection between spirituality, love and community isn’t what initially drew me to wedding photography, but it is what has kept me here. What happens during these moments is what drives me as an artist and what keeps me wanting to tell these stories.